Thursday, September 13, 2012

What Did You Do With Your Baby's Placenta?

Q: What did you do with your baby’s placenta?
— Midwifery Today

A: Each of our children has a fruit tree that is planted with their placenta. On their birthday we take a photo of them with their tree, and they look forward to enjoying and sharing their fruit with their siblings.
— Allie Ibbotson

A: We put it in a 9 x 13 container on the porch to keep it chilled (it was early winter). We forgot about it in the joy of the new baby. It froze and got knocked off the porch. The container broke open and the dog ate it. He seems a lot more in touch with his feminine side now…
— Megan Roelfs

A: Encapsulated it! I had to smuggle it out of the hospital after having a surprise induction at 33 weeks because of HELLP (a complication of preeclampsia). Best decision ever—this was baby #5 and my milk supply was awesome even with having to pump (the little one couldn’t suck just yet). My bleeding was only period-heavy less than 24 hours after starting the capsules and stopped all together in about nine days. With all the reasons I had to be more depressed, it worked at least 100 times better than the Zoloft I had taken with previous babies for PPD.
— Andrea Felsinger

A: I made placenta prints with both of mine. The pictures are so beautiful and unique. Afterwards I had them in my freezer with plans to plant them, but we moved so I had to dry them. I would like to plant them somewhere special one day.
— Jessica Haworth

A: I didn’t know I could do anything with it. It makes me sad…
— Bridgette Becker

A: Nine years have passed and it’s still in our freezer waiting to be buried for a special tree planting!
— Navah Paskowitz

A: We left it attached, but on ice in a cooler until the cord fell off on the third night. The next morning my husband did placenta prints with spirulina and turmeric. I rinsed and cut the placenta in small pill-sized pieces and froze them to take raw a few times a day. I plan on making a few bottles of tincture for future use. My son is 1 month old, and this babymoon and transition have been terrific!
— Amy Giove

A: Placenta wine. I’m saving it for menopause.
— Crystal Crickette Fedele

A: I’m due in a week and am planning a lotus birth.
— Jennifer Ramsey-Dietlin

A: When my midwife turned it inside out, I was enamored with its beauty—the colors and the veining. I had to be hard-pressed to eat a bit of it, but it was to help slow my bleeding. It worked! That was 32 years ago, but I remember like it was yesterday.
— Louisa Haddaway

Questions and Answers complements of Midwifery Today:

What did you do with your placenta?

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